Link: Yahoo caught censoring Open Sauce

Scott (angrykeyboarder) geekboy at
Fri Feb 1 22:37:30 GMT 2008

steve spake thusly:
> Scott (angrykeyboarder) wrote:
> | Vadim Peretokin spake thusly:
> |> On Jan 31, 2008 8:30 AM, Scott (angrykeyboarder)
> |> <geekboy at <mailto:geekboy at>> wrote:
> |
> |>     I just wish they would update the  Linux version of Yahoo!
> Messenger to
> |>     be equal to the current Windows version in features.
> Pidgin/Kopete are
> |>     nice but they simply don't offer all the features that the native
> |>     clients do.
> |>
> |> It's more like the refuse to offer. They Pidgin does everything but
> |> voice/video, which they're flat out refusing to code.
> |>
> |> Whatever.
> |
> | Actually, if Pidgin *did* do Voice/Video, it *still* would be lacking,
> | compared to the the native Windows client (for Yahoo!, MSN *or* AIM).
> windows software is typically overbloated.  who needs 1/2 the stupid
> crap on messenger anyway.  kopete is fine, and better than messenger
> ever thought of being. chat and cam would satisfy almost the entire
> population.  if you want voice why are you chatting?  call the person or
> use voip. ........K.I.S.S.

Did I say I wanted voice?

What I really want is to quickly identify a user in my friends list. The 
native Windows clients for MSN and Yahoo! Messenger have a nice feature 
where you can get that information very quickly and within the client 
itself.  AIM has a similar one as well.

THAT is what I really want. I frankly don't care about voice or video.

I've never used an OS I didn't (dis)like.
I'm angrykeyboarder™ and I approved this message.

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