The Unix Haters' Handbook
David Gerard
dgerard at
Mon Apr 7 17:21:05 BST 2008
On 07/04/2008, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> Oh, I know. But in the last year or 2, we've got to the position where
> it's quicker & easier to install Ubuntu than XP & its million patches,
> and Ubuntu stomps all over the current MS offering in both features &
> performance. *That's* new.
Much as UNIX-HATERS is all about people used to proper operating
systems getting annoyed at this shoddy Unix rubbish, so I suspect that
in the far future people will look back fondly upon the reliability of
Windows, as they deal with machines whose operating systems crash
thousands of times a second and automatically reboot. Probably
something Java-based - don't you love the way Java comes in huge
tottering Jenga stacks of code, and everything works by the code
shitting itself *by design* and the exception being caught? It's the
way of the future!
- d.
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