TheOpenCD Project Lead to Canonical: Fork You.

Conrad Knauer atheoi at
Thu Sep 27 08:22:53 BST 2007

Sorry for the bad pun :)

I got this message in my inbox today:

Hi everybody,

I know that when you signed up for this it was just to know about new
releases, and nothing else (there is a new version though, 07.10).
Forgive this email, but I wanted to let you know first hand.

As of today I'm no longer the project lead for TheOpenCD - there's a
few reasons why I'm stepping down (see my blog post if at all
interested) but the two main reasons I'm contacting you are:

    * There's no current developer of TheOpenCD now that I'm gone, so
I'm not sure when the next version of that will be.

    * I've started OpenDisc. I'm doing so for the same reasons I left
TheOpenCD, again outlined in the previously mentioned blog post. Take
a look at OpenDisc and if you like what you see, be sure to sign up
for the new version email for it. Since I was the sole developer of
OpenCD, you can in the least expect it to be as well maintained.
OpenDisc can be found here:

I didn't want to just throw all of you over to the new list without
letting you know what's happening so you can decide for yourselves.

I've personally been administering the list, so unfortunately this
will be the last email you'll receive from it.

If you want to reply for any reason, direct your emails to
contact at

Chris Gray

former OpenCD Project Lead

(OpenDisc website: )
(blog post about my departure: )

The blog post is a scathing review of how things were done in the past
and how the bureaucracy of running the project with Canonical came to
be too much to bear.


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