Microsoft turns on deactivation for non-genuine Vista

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at
Sun Sep 16 06:35:11 BST 2007

On 9/12/07, David Gerard <dgerard at> wrote:
> On 12/09/2007, Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:
> > David Gerard wrote:
> > > If that doesn't market Ubuntu like crazy, nothing will.
> > How about some adverts? I mean, if ordinary people don't know Linux
> > exists, why should they run away from Microsoft?
> Shot 3: Ubuntu running Compiz. "Linux is free, legally clear, faster
> than Vista and you never have to deal with Microsoft again in your
> life."

If this will happen, why not just strip the *compiz* or any technical
names, and just say it's "Ubuntu", because IMHO most of the people
won't care to go deep into details of a Linux operating system, and
just they know it's "Ubuntu", that they have desktop effects or

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