Congrats on the new press!

Janne Jokitalo janne.jokitalo at
Fri Oct 12 05:41:47 BST 2007

Scott (angrykeyboarder) wrote:
> Jan Claeys spake thusly :
>> Op dinsdag 09-10-2007 om 09:22 uur [tijdzone +0300], schreef Janne
>> Jokitalo:
>>> and since I'm using thunderbird, which _still_ lacks the correct
>>> reply-to-list feature, 
>> AFAIK Thunderbird in Ubuntu (at least Feisty) has the necessary patches
>> to allow the plugin that implements this to work.
>> <>
>> <>
> I'm running Thunderbird in Gutsy right now and there is no "Reply to 
> list option".

No, there wasn't by default. I just added the extension, but to no avail. 
Enigmail could be the reason, but it remains to be seen.

Maybe it's time for my annual Evolution-checkup again... :)


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