Inquirer lacks innovation (was: Linux desktop lacks innovation)

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at
Sat Nov 17 19:22:01 GMT 2007

ahh, this is like the 430840382403820432084032843rd post on this topic alone. 
Where is the innovation with the Inquirer? I know the is a lot of FUD-like 
substance, but no innovation whatsoever.

If the Inquirer wants to innovate, do the world a favor and cite all of the 
resources you used to create such an article. Seeing as no other site seems 
to cite sources.

Linux desktop, Mac desktop, Windows desktop, THE DESKTOP! It all lacks 
innovation. So, lets start to innovate:

lets replace windows, icons, mouse usage, a menu. With what you might ask? 
Think the movie Hackers, how about setting it up like the Gibson! Ya! You can 
float through your OS, or desktop. Now that's innovative!

BAH! Here is an innovative idea, stop feeding the Inquirer trolls and lets get 
back to enjoying our non-innovative desktops.

</sarcasm and freakin' annoyance>
Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at
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