Got Gutsy DVDs?

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Nov 9 01:57:06 GMT 2007

On 11/08/2007 10:06 AM, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

> It's unlikely that the extra packages on the DVD would have helped.  We
> explicitly include the things which are likely to be needed in this case in
> the default installation (or in some cases, on the CD repository), for this
> very reason.
> For example, kernel headers, a C compiler, ndiswrapper, etc.

Thanks for the info. I did use the DVD to perform a complete install
from scratch on my local A21M without any network connection or NIC &
the install worked great. Later plugged in a USB to ethernet (wired)
adaptor and that was picked up and working almost instantly.

I've still not figured out the WUSB11 linksys problem on my son's T21 so
I'm going to have him reinstall from scratch (Gutsy). At the same time I
plan to test a few PCMCIA wireless cards on my trusty A21M to find which
one works out of the box.

But I'm getting OT from the OP so I quit while I'm ahead :-)

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