Got Gutsy DVDs?

Scott (angrykeyboarder) geekboy at
Sun Nov 4 06:00:46 GMT 2007

Matt Zimmerman spake thusly:
> On Sat, Oct 20, 2007 at 11:40:34PM -0700, Scott (angrykeyboarder) wrote:
>> Dear Ubuntu,
>> You reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally need some more mirrors for the 7.10 DVDs.
>> Continual timeouts on (ftp or
>> http) don't cut the mustard. Neither do 2 day torrent downloads on my
>> 6MB/s broadband connection.
>> Even better, how about ubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso.jigdo ?
>> You had .jigdo files for the daily DVDs so why not for the final release?
>> Oh and this applies to Kubuntu also.

Whoa. I'd not been here in a while but when I saw that 4 days had gone
with no response to my post, I figured it was just ignored like so many
of my others...

I'm glad I was wrong.. :)

> The primary reason why they aren't mirrored is because of the amount of
> storage required (just mirroring the CDs is already quite a lot of space),

Which would be true for any distro and yet Fedora, OpenSUSE and Mandriva
(to name a few) mirror their DVD images on quite a number of servers
(many more than Ubuntu does).

> but it's also worth noting that the DVD is not the best choice for most
> users.

But obviously it is for some or Ubuntu would have dropped the DVD quite
some time ago.

> The CD is a much smaller download, and contains all of the default
> applications.  Installing from the DVD produces exactly the same result.
> The only difference is that the DVD contains additional non-default
> packages, which must be installed explicitly (add/remove etc.).

But you forget my fave part. It's also like having the Live CD, the
alternate CD and The server CD combined into one (which in fact it is)
which I find quite handy.

> In effect, download the DVD means preemptively downloading a large number of
> packages which will probably never be used.  Even if you're certain to want
> a couple of additional apps, it's far faster and easier to install from the
> CD and then add the applications (in exactly the same way), letting them be
> downloaded over the network rather than being asked to insert the DVD.

I'm never asked to insert the DVD.

That's why God invented "mount -o loop -t iso9660
/home/scott/ISOs/Ubuntu/dvd/ubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso /media/ubuntu.dvd" :)

I install a significant number of apps that aren't on the CD *or* the
DVD, but for the varied installs I do, the DVD is much handier than
individual copies of the alternate, live and server CDs. Not to mention,
it's more convenient to "pass around".

I've never used an OS I didn't (dis)like.
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