NGO-in-a-Box uses Ubuntu
Kevin Cole
kjcole at
Wed Jun 27 15:23:04 BST 2007
From their web site:
The Base Edition of NGO-in-a-box is a collection of essential
tools for running a small-to-medium sized NGO [Non-Governmental
Organization -- KJC]. You can use this toolkit to set up and
coordinate your office, organise and manage projects, collaborate
online and support your campaigns. The Box contains a set of
peer-reviewed Free and Open Source Software tools, with
associated guides and tutorials, giving you the technical
foundations to build upon.
Produced by Tactical Tech in association with Women'sNet, the
BaseBox is aimed at activist and advocacy organisations with a
particular emphasis on developing and transition countries. The
contents of the toolkit were selected by an editorial team made
up of leading international practitioners working in technology
support for non-profits, social justice organising and the
development and deployment of Free and Open Source Software.
[read more]
The off-line edition of the BaseBox is targeted
at users who have limited internet access. It
is a three CD box set comprising a printed booklet
and CD with the contents of this website along with
the profiled tools and related documentation and
tutorials. It also includes a copy of the Ubuntu
GNU/Linux operating system and a copy of the SME
Server The CD will be available for download here
in the coming weeks.
We would like to thank all the people who have created the software
and documents that we include in this project. We would also like
to thank the Editorial Team for all their efforts in suggesting,
selecting and compiling the tools and materials included in this
Kevin Cole | Key ID: 0xE6F332C7
Ubuntu Linux DC LoCo Team | WWW:
Washington, D.C. (USA) | Phone: +
". ! 1 |" -- Rene Magritte's computer
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