CCs on mailing list replies (Was Re: Mr. Shuttleworth gets quote mined....)

Scott (angrykeyboarder) geekboy at
Sat Jun 23 06:05:54 BST 2007

Derek Broughton spake thusly on 189847728 ::
> Scott (angrykeyboarder) wrote:
>> Derek Broughton spake thusly on 06/19/2007 05:35 PM:
>>> Fabian Rodriguez wrote:
>>>> Michael T. Richter wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 2007-18-06 at 09:28 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:[...]
>>>>> Or are you missing the 100% ignorant Windows-trashing that goes on
>>>>> in Linux circles at times?
>>> Fabian, this is a listserv.
>> Not exactly....
>> LISTSERV is cross-platform mailing list server software from L-Soft
>> International and is a registered trademark of said company.
>> This mailing list is (appropriately enough) run by GNU Mailman software.
>> :)
> LOL.  Normally, a trademark would be capitalized, and lowercase would
> indicate a general (possibly illegal) usage.  E.g., "Google" is a
> trademark, but the verb "google" is common usage. 

LOL And because of that, Google felt the need for this blog post:

[!] , which I
found quite funny (although that wasn't it's intent. It also incited a
riot in the blogsphere (as you can see by the trackback links at the
bottom of that page).

Personally, I think they have no choice but to bite the bullet and live
with it like the Kleenex and Vaseline folks have. :)

But I digress... ;)

> Still, I realize that in  the *nix world, where lowercase is the norm, the trademarks could be
> lowercase, too.

Heck Amarok (the KDE audio app) used to actually use "amaroK". Then they
got some common sense. :)

BTW. were you referring to Listserv/listserv?   I put it in all caps
because that's the way they do it for some reason (I can't imagine that
it's an acronym).

>> BTW, you can change your options in mailman so that you won't receive
>> "duplicates" of messages sent to the list (i.e. your address and the
>> list address and the list are in the address fields).
> I know, but I'm not actually on a "listserv" or "mailman" - I use gmane
> news.

Ditto. :)

>> Now this is a classic example of an email that I would CC you on, but
>> since you've expressed your dislike of the practice, I won't.
>> If you respond to this, I suspect it's probably (mostly) due to the new
>> subject line.
> Actually, no, because I just see it in the thread I was already paying
> attention to.

w00t1 I got lucky this time. :)

BTW, I meant no offense by what I said. I just thought I'd point that
out since my reply to you otherwise incited a riot. ;)

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