[Fwd: [Linux-aus] linux.conf.au 2008 calling for presentations]

Melissa Draper melissa at meldraweb.com
Wed Jun 6 17:54:22 BST 2007

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Linux-aus] linux.conf.au 2008 calling for presentations
Date: 	Wed, 06 Jun 2007 20:57:47 +1000
From: 	Donna Benjamin <donna at mel8ourne.org>
To: 	Linux Australia <linux-aus at linux.org.au>, announce at lists.linux.org.au

== linux.conf.au 2008 Call For Presentations ==

linux.conf.au isn't just a Linux conference. It is a technical 
conference about Free Software, held annually in Australasia.
We invite submissions on any Free Software related subject; from 
Linux and the BSDs to OpenOffice.org, from networking to 
audio-visual magic, from deep hacks to Creative Commons.

** Please feel free to forward this email to any group **
  ** or individual who you feel might be interested. **

== Important dates ==

 * Submissions open: Friday, June 1 2007
 * Submission deadline: Friday, July 20, 2007
 * Email notifications from review committee: early September
 * Conference begins: Monday, January 28 2008

== Presentations being accepted ==

You can submit a 50 minute talk proposal, or a 2 or 4 hour tutorial
proposal: tutorials are interactive and involve more audience
participation.  All presentations must be related to Free and Open
Source Software.

== How to submit ==

Please see http://linux.conf.au/presentations for more information on
the types of presentations we're looking for and full details of how to
submit a proposal. You can even submit a video pitch!

== About linux.conf.au ==

linux.conf.au (http://linux.conf.au/) is Australia's annual technical
conference about Free Software. Fun, informal and seriously technical,
linux.conf.au draws together Free and Open Source Software developers 
from across the world. It will be held from January 28th to February 
2nd, 2008 at The University of Melbourne.

== About Linux Australia ==

Linux Australia (http://www.linux.org.au/) is the peak body for 
Linux User Groups (LUGs) around Australia, and as such represents
approximately 5000 Australian Linux users and developers. Linux
Australia facilitates the organisation of this international 
Free Software conference in a different Australasian city each year.

Donna Benjamin
Conference Director
linux.conf.au 2008

donna at mel8ourne.org
ph/fax +61 3 9235 5454


linux-aus mailing list
linux-aus at lists.linux.org.au

Melissa Draper


Phone: 0404 595 395
(intl): +61 404 595 395

P.O Box 1412
Lavington, NSW 2641

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