Ubuntu Homebrew Repository

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 09:14:29 GMT 2007

On 2/25/07, Jonathan Carter <jonathan at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Joel Bryan Juliano wrote:
>  > I have an idea, since I know alot like me who loves to create homebrew
>  > app for Ubuntu, Is to create another optional ubuntu repository for
>  > homebrew apps.
>  >
>  > It would benefit alot of people to easily download homebrew
>  > applications like beryl, etc.
>  >
>  > Would it be a great idea?
> It certainly sounds like a good idea, although the Universe already
> provides much of this functionality. It's quite easy enough to get a
> package in there already. On a practical side, a repository like this
> may be very hazardous. There's already enough problems in Ubuntu when
> you install from 3rd party sources and upgrade from one version to
> another. It's probably best to get 'homebrew' packages checked and fixed
> by Motu's, and get it in the Universe instead, where it can be tested by
> the community first.
> -Jonathan

The advantages of this is those R&D apps can have a better career
towards multiverse, then universe, depending on how stable it is and
how good is the use of it, another good reason is, "were' going to
move this package to the homebrew *cough* trash *cough* repository.
because were not going to support his anymore."

"I use to fuel my car with water, now I switched back to gasoline
because my cigarette lighter doesn't work" - People who use Linux but
switched back to Windows.

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