In the news: Eric S. Raymond shifts to Ubuntu

Michael T. Richter ttmrichter at
Thu Feb 22 05:04:02 GMT 2007

On Thu, 2007-22-02 at 05:25 +0800, Joel Bryan Juliano wrote:

> On 2/21/07, Christian Pfeiffer Jensen <cj2003 at> wrote:
>         [quote]
>         This afternoon, I installed Edgy Eft on my main development
>         machine -- 
>         from one CD, not five.  In less than three hours' work I was
>         able to
>         recreate the key features of my day-to-day toolkit.  The
>         after-installation mass upgrade to current packages, always a
>         frightening prospect under Fedora, went off without a hitch. 
>         I'm not expecting Ubuntu to be perfect, but I am now certain
>         it will
>         be enough better to compensate me for the fact that I need to
>         learn
>         a new set of administration tools.
>         [/quote]
> Ubuntu. "An African word meaning Humanity to others"
> .... even for the person who just said African-Americans are
> responsible for 50% of the crimes in the US because they have mostly
> low IQ ....

And so the character assassination begins as the purists get riled up
once again.

Would the Stallmanites please identify themselves with a show of hands?
My killfile is feeling lonely here.

Michael T. Richter <ttmrichter at>
Disclaimer: Any people who think that opinions expressed from my private
email account in any way, shape or form are those of my employer have
more lawyers at their beck and call than they do brain cells.
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