In the news: Eric S. Raymond shifts to Ubuntu
Eric Dunbar
eric.dunbar at
Wed Feb 21 17:20:38 GMT 2007
On 21/02/07, Pavel Rojtberg <pavel at> wrote:
> Christian Pfeiffer Jensen schrieb:
> >
> >
> > [quote]
> > This afternoon, I installed Edgy Eft on my main development machine --
> > from one CD, not five. In less than three hours' work I was able to
> > recreate the key features of my day-to-day toolkit. The
> > after-installation mass upgrade to current packages, always a
> > frightening prospect under Fedora, went off without a hitch.
> >
> > I'm not expecting Ubuntu to be perfect, but I am now certain it will
> > be enough better to compensate me for the fact that I need to learn
> > a new set of administration tools.
> > [/quote]
> [wikipedia]
> Critics in the free software movement have accused Raymond of
> "hijacking" the free software movement. His rejection of the moral and
> ethical arguments of Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation
> in favor of a less idealistic (though arguably more pragmatic)
> market-friendly stance has stoked political tensions in the community.
> [/wikipedia]
Political tensions are stoked whenever you get absolutists (aka
extremists) involved. I suspect the author of said piece was one of
those extremists given the lack of nuance -- the shade grey simply
doesn't exist in that mind set :-( :-( :-(. You're either "with us" or
"you're against us".
The most important part of ESR's post is:
"The culture of the project's core group has become steadily more
unhealthy, more inward-looking, more insistent on narrow "free
software" ideological purity, and more
disconnected from the technical and evangelical challenges that must
be met to make Linux a world-changing success that liberates a
majority of computer users."
It has to be able to liberate computer users, not provide some
ideological solace to a few nut jobs who'd like to "stick to their
principles" (the same type of problem as what exists with too many
devout religious individuals who'd rather stick to their
perverse/perverted principles than live in the real world with real
problems, real people, real suffering and real solutions).
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