Ubuntu article in the Inquirer

john levin john at technolalia.org
Tue Feb 20 18:00:16 GMT 2007

Daniel Robitaille wrote:
> The Inquirer  had this morning a little article on Ubuntu in which the
> author tried, then gave up on using Ubuntu:
> "Ubuntu spurns Microsoft's advances"
> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=37742

Funnily enough, that's the second Inq link I've followed in two days, 
the first being an astonishingly vacuous what-if piece on google making 
an OS. An article that failed to mention the very much existing and 
internally deployed goobuntu.

So, after this 'extensive research', I've decided I have neither the 
time nor the inclination to persevere with The Inquirer's perversity. 
Maybe I'll try again in another ten years. Maybe by then it will have 
grown up.


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