[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 23:57:09 GMT 2007

On 2/14/07, Daniel Robitaille <robitaille at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On 2/14/07, Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen at canonical.com> wrote:
> > * "Philip Wyett"
> >
> > | /me will leave alone the rush for eye candy that is currently in
> > | progress and only supported on a few cards with in most cases
> > | proprietary drivers. :-/
> >
> > To be fair; compiz and friends work just fine on this two year old
> > Thinkpad X40 with just an i855 graphics chip.  It's not really heavy
> > for the graphics card, you just need the minimal OpenGL acceleration.
> >
> I have to second that one.  I was really impress by the performance of
> Feisty's compiz on my little Dell Latitude 110l with its integrated
> intel 915gm ship.  I was expecting more of a horror story, considering
> all the stories about Vista's eye candy nowadays and the need for top
> of the line graphics card to even be able to turn it on.  But it
> turned out to be quite fine in Ubuntu.   The only thing is that you
> need a bit of ram to drive it (the 256mb I used to have will not be
> enough...but 768mb is fine).  And the eye candy is oddly addictive for
> me, something  I didn't expect since I usually never go for the bling
> in my daily desktop use.

It should be so much better if we have Xorg 7.2. Now that it uses libxcb it
should be much faster than Xorg 7.1.


> Daniel Robitaille
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Carpe Diem
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