Anarchism FAQ?! WTF?...

Melissa Draper melissa at
Fri Feb 9 14:58:53 GMT 2007

Michael T. Richter wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-09-02 at 12:27 +0000, chombee wrote:
>> I think that to remove this package you need a better reason than the
>> mere fact that it deals with anarchism. As has been said, there are all
>> sorts of odd packages in Debian/Ubuntu that people might object to for
>> all sorts of reasons.
> I didn't ask to remove it.  I asked if packages of communism, national
> socialism, Objectivist capitalism, etc. would be given equal time.
> Basically I'm questioning why one particular political view was snuck
> in the back door and if perhaps something more balanced could be
> placed into it.  (I'm also wondering if a bundling of the Qur'an,
> Baha'i scripture, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. would be permitted given the
> biblical stuff in there.  And perhaps an atheism package?)

If a properly constructed, sane package was known of and due process
taken. Quite likely, I would think.

Melissa Draper

Phone: 0404 595 395
(intl): +61 404 595 395

P.O Box 1412
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