Applying for a next education. Advice while working.

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at
Thu Feb 8 07:58:44 GMT 2007

I'm a half a year on completing my college degree, and I'm thinking
of applying for a masters degree. I like to know more about computers
and programming, it's my very interests. The second choice I have is
MBA, but the cost of education is not cheap and I'm not rich though,
and would likely to work after college, I'm thinking of working while
studying masters degree, and I want to ask the experiences of people
with similar situations, that are currently applying or successfully
completed their masters or PhD while working and studying. How did
you manage both of your time for school and work? Does studying masters
really require all of your time? Is it worth it? Can you give me your most
helpful advice on this matters. I apologize I have to send this to Sounder,
I really don't have lot's of contacts to talk about this matters... :-)
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