Sharing files between Ubuntu 6.06 and Windows XP Pro - best disk format to use

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at
Wed Feb 7 19:22:47 GMT 2007

On 07/02/07, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
> Eric Dunbar wrote:
> > On 04/02/07, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
> >> Well, no.  Why would I be using Server when it's so simple to install
> >> Player...
> >
> > That's your decision. This morning (7/2/7) someone posted a message
> > about VMware as well (unrelated to my threads) -- one of the links
> > there pointed to a page where someone was editing a VMware VM
> > configuration file manually to add a partition to the computer.
> >
> > ... but, if you have VMware it's easy as pie ;-) (perhaps the third
> > party VMware configuration software can set up partitions or drives to
> > be mounted by the VM).
> With VMPlayer, and, setting up a virtual disk installation
> is trivial.  With vmplayer and IDE drives, manual configuration is still
> pretty simple using the physical partition.
> It's the idea of using the physical partition on a SATA drive that is
> difficult, and I'm not yet convinced that vmware-server is going to help me
> much.
> >
> > PS One consideration re: VMware Player is that the EULA _supposedly_
> > (I haven't bothered to investigate) prohibits its use as a server.
> Possibly - who reads EULAs :-)  Probably 95% of VMWare users have no
> intention of ever using it as a server (your situation obviously being
> different).

That's almost certainly true (I read maybe 1/20 EULAs).

[rant -- nothing implied about you or anyone else who's posted in this thread]

However, given that there are some people (using VMware) in the OSS
community who vehemently defend Ubuntu/GNU as being in the right for
rejecting licence x, y or z as not being this or that (or compatible
with licence a, b or c) they MUST acknowledge and respect any
licencing restrictions placed upon the use of VMware Player by its

If they fail to adhere to the VMware Player licence's restrictions
(whatever they happen to be) they also forfeit any right to complain
about or advocate on behalf of any other licence -- hypocrisy _should_
be the death knell to credibility (of course, the continued existence
of the "fair and balanced" Fox News (unless they're actually trying
for irony in their slogan) in the US shows that a few too many people
are quite content with being hypocritical or acritical (is that a
word?) anyway ;-).


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