Totem's Full-screen quality in Feisty; is it only me having problem?

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at
Sat Feb 3 08:20:15 GMT 2007

Before  I file a bug report, has anyone else noticed a decrease in
image quality when running Totem in full screen mode in Feisty?
Actually it's not only full screen, but the same occurs when
maximizing the window.   I can't remember seeing this in Edgy or
Dapper.  At first I thought it was maybe just my imagination or the
type of videos I have been watching recently until I did some tests
with the same movies using gxine, and the problem  didn't occur with
it.  Then I tried with totem-xine, and it was also bad; so it wasn't a
gstreamer vs xine codecs issue but something specific with Totem on my

It's really noticeable when there is some text on the screen, like
subtitles or credits where the letters are really not looking smooth
at all in totem, but look quite reasonable in gxine.  I'm not sure
with vlc since right I only get blank screen when trying to use vlc
with any videos.

The closest bug report I found was:

but that report is only for Edgy, and seems specific to totem-xine,
and the option mentionned doesn't seem to work at all in Feisty.

I would have taken a screen shot to show the behaviour on my screen ,
but it seems taking a screen shot of gxine results in only a blue
rectangle instead of the movie it is playing (a side effect of

Anyone else has seen this?

Daniel Robitaille

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