It's a miracle when...
Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at
Fri Aug 10 00:02:10 BST 2007
On Thursday 09 August 2007, Matthew Garrett wrote:
| On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 11:38:32AM -0500, Richard A. Johnson wrote:
| > QUOTE 1::
| > In the Dell keynote at LinuxWorld, company CTO Kevin Kettler demonstrated
| > how easy it was to set up virtual machines on Ubuntu. Aboutboul noted
| > that Ubuntu had made use of the "libvert" tool, which actually originated
| > with Fedora. "Every innovative thing is coming from Fedora," Aboutboul
| > said. "We've been telling this to people all along and libvert is one
| > example. Everyone else pulls from us; we had it first."
| It's pretty much true. While Ubuntu scores heavily on integration,
| polish and the improvement of the user experience, we're only average at
| producing new technology. Upstart is an example, but we're still not
| taking any real advantage of its functionality. The combined live
| CD/installer is probably the best example of us doing something new and
| exciting at the technological level. If you compare us to Red Hat
| (AIGLX, compiz, a new firewire stack, bluetooth) or Novell (Mono, large
| chunks of the kernel USB code, XGL), we've added little in comparison.
Very true, but at the same time it is understandable to an extent seeing how
new this community really is. Although Compiz and such are fairly new as
| This isn't necessarily a criticism of Ubuntu. We've shown that much of
| the value users want doesn't come from new technology - it comes from
| making existing technology work better.
Music to my ears! And from what I have seen, we have succeeded!
Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at
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