blog entry: "The Name “Firefox” Not Allowed In Ubuntu?"

Jeff Waugh jdub at
Wed Sep 27 13:27:26 BST 2006

<quote who="Conrad Knauer">

> If Debian called it "Firefox - Debian Community Edition" or some such
> ("Firefox DCE"? witha  corresponding "Firefox UCE" for us? :) would that
> satisfy Mozilla's desire to maintain its trademark?  Hmm... I'll try to
> add that to the bug report :-)

"Firefox" is the trademark. "Firefox - Super Porn Spyware Edition" wouldn't
satisfy Mozilla's licensing terms, nor their desires for the trademark.

- Jeff

Ohio LinuxFest 2006: Columbus OH, USA    
  "Spanish Flu, the epidemic that killed 50 million people in 1918/9, was
              known as French Flu in Spain." - BBC News, 2005

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