Freespire's Google ads: "What is Ubuntu Missing?"

Conrad Knauer atheoi at
Sat Sep 23 19:31:58 BST 2006

I note that in Gmail one of my Sounder messages had a targeted ad on the side:

What is Ubuntu Missing?
Need your desktop Linux to legally play mp3, Windows Media, DVD, etc.?

With the first question linked to

(seems to be down at the moment, but you can always read the Google
cache; the gist of it is that in order to "create the perfect destkop
OS" with other distros you'd need to (heaven forbid!) follow a set of
DIY instructions (for Ubuntu they point to while in
Freespire they're preinstalled)

Now, AFAIK, the Fluendo decoder (gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3) in
universe *does* allow us to legally play MP3s, but just not 'out of
the box' and DVDs aren't a problem in countries without dopey software
patents and such ;) so I detect a bit of false advertising there.

Also, proprietary software makes Linux "perfect"?
Oh Lindows/Linspire/Freespire, you scamps! ;)


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