vim versus vim-tiny

Jan Claeys lists at
Tue Sep 12 20:30:56 BST 2006

Op ma, 11-09-2006 te 23:23 -0700, schreef Daniel Robitaille:
> Anyone knows what is different in vim-tiny versus the vim package?
> I'm guessing the former is smaller than the later, thus it's presence
> as the default installed package nowadays in Edgy.  But what else is
> missing from it?
> In the last few days I was really wondering  why my arrow keys didn't
> work in vim in a gnome-console xterm in Edgy.   It got me swearing  a
> few times while editing some files and when trying to move the cursor
> around simply created some extra characters in the files instead of
> actually moving the cursor.
> Then tonight I decided to install "vim", which then redirected the
> /usr/bin/vim command to the standard vim executable instead of the
> "tiny" one, and a miracle occured:   my arrow keys are back :) 

AFAIK 'vim-tiny' is a very basic build of 'vim' with most optional
features disabled, so that it is functionally pretty close to the
original 'vi'.

You could say it's "vim de-improved"...  ;-)

Jan Claeys

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