edgy and binary Nvidia drivers

Paul Sladen ubuntu at paul.sladen.org
Fri Sep 8 07:40:15 BST 2006

On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, Sasha Tsykin wrote:

Hello Sasha,

> I'm having an issue. Since installing the binary nvidia drivers, my display
> doesn't work any more.

One of the reasons (amongst others) that the binary Nvidia drivers are not
installed is that they are not supportable---no source code, no way to fix
the driver.

You issue may have been caused by some of the recent usplash 'churn';  
could you please file a bug about your issue:


including the information that you originally posted in this email.  Bug-
trackers are much better at /tracking bugs/ than discussion mailing lists! :)

High on a tall bridge, surrounded by noisy lorries.  Nottingham, GB

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