Usplash : current state in Edgy is ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Tue Sep 5 04:43:24 BST 2006

Hmmm, I think I saw a few posts passing by, stating that usplash now
supported higher resolutions, and more colours. I can vaguely (is not
200% sure), that it was even actually made use of these new

But on my Edgy machine, which is a fresh Knot2 plus all updates to
date, well I still have the old 640x400 test card with 16 colours.

So I am starting to wonder:

1) are the new capabilities REALLY enabled, in which case I should file
a bug I guess, or

2) they are not yet enabled so what I am seeing is normal.

So the question is... should I file a bug report or not...

Thanks in advance for shedding some light :-)


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