Freespire's Google ads: "What is Ubuntu Missing?"

Jan Claeys lists at
Thu Oct 5 00:38:55 BST 2006

Op di, 03-10-2006 te 18:54 -0400, schreef Eric Dunbar:
> > Not that we have legal DVD playing yet, but at least MP3, MPEG4 and Real
> > are legally available.  (And more will follow, I guess.)
> And, the same applies (presumably) to Freespire. And, as for 'legal'
> MP3 -- that's a little debatable since no one can reasonably sell a
> distro with that code and gross $100K/a (basically everything but a
> mom and pop operation cannot get away with that). 

Fluendo has paid for a license for their MP3 codec, so everybody can use
it (even if it's in the multiverse repository because the MP3 people
only want to license binaries for some stupid(?) reason...).

Also, you can get legal MP3, MPEG4 and Real Video/Audio by using
RealPlayer 10 from Canonical's 'commercial' repository.  (And Real got a
license to support WM in the near future through their lawsuits against
MS in the EU; while another lawsuit against Apple is still going on.)

Jan Claeys

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