Ubuntu under investigation by Turkish attorney general

Zak B. Elep zakame at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 29 08:56:40 GMT 2006

On 11/29/06, t u <towsonu2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was going to send this to ubuntu-devel, but I somehow overcame the
> desire to do so...
> PS. I am Turkish, and I am truly ashamed by this...

Why?  Is there some other `negative' context in this `investigation'?
I've read that the attorney general is investigating on the `mayor of
Sur and on Ubuntu;' are you insinuating that there has been some sort
of illegal action taken by the mayor?



Zak B. Elep  ||  http://zakame.spunge.org
zakame at ubuntu.com  ||  zakame at spunge.org  ||  zak at orangeandbronze.com
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