Fwd: [GNU/FSF Press] Press release: FSF announces release of gNewSense 1.0

Shawn McMahon smcmahon at eiv.com
Wed Nov 8 20:31:28 GMT 2006

On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 07:27:26AM +1100, Alexander Jacob Tsykin said:
> However, they have declined to take advantage of non-free software, which si 
> absolutely true.

No, they declined to take advantage of one arbitrarily-chosen piece of
non-free software, but take advantage of tons of other non-free software
every day.  The only question is whether they did so for freedom or for

   Shawn McMahon    | 
   EIV Consulting   | Peace is a symptom of victory.
 http://www.eiv.com | 
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