Launchpad - closed source

Alexander Jacob Tsykin stsykin at
Tue Nov 7 00:12:36 GMT 2006

> > And the source code can be obtained jsut by asking for it. Nevertheless,
> > my feeling is that there are preconditions attached, and that the source
> > code obtained is not freely sitributable (I could be wrong, just
> > osmething I read somewhere). I think this would make it pretty
> > conventionally non-free.
> Can I have a copy? What are the conditions?

I don't know what the conditions are, but quoting from the faq:

"Our goal is to release all of Launchpad as free software, though it will take 
some time (potentially, years) before that happens."

In other words it hasn't happened yet.

"If you are keen on seeing Launchpad components published as free software 
sooner, rather than later, and you have good Python and Zope3 skills, we are 
happy to provide code access and accept patches"

However, until Launchpad is actually released as free software, you certainly 
cannot distribute it.


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