Fwd: [GNU/FSF Press] Press release: FSF announces release of gNewSense 1.0

Shawn McMahon smcmahon at eiv.com
Mon Nov 6 15:22:02 GMT 2006

On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 12:27:53PM +1100, Alexander Jacob Tsykin said:
> Not at all. They are saying that launchpad is non-free, in the free speech 
> sense. Thart is true. How can you argue with it?

I can argue with it because it's not true.  No piece of its software has
been distributed with a non-free license; do you have evidence to the

NOTHING in the GPL or any other free license requires you to distribute
your source before you distribute your binaries, only WHEN you
distribute your binaries.

Was Linux non-free before Linus' first upload?

   Shawn McMahon    | 
   EIV Consulting   | Peace is a symptom of victory.
 http://www.eiv.com | 
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