Edgy in the news

Myriam Rita Schweingruber myriam at pharma-traduction.ch
Sun Nov 5 19:05:38 GMT 2006

Am Sonntag, 5. November 2006 15:40 schrieb Alexander Jacob Tsykin:
> On Monday 06 November 2006 00:24, Toby Smithe wrote:
> > Yeah; I'm obviously learning where to find things on Launchpad. It's
> > quite intuitive once you get to know it. Now, only if it was open
> > source...
> Just out of curiosity, why isn't it?

Well, IANAL, but as it has not been released (yet), there is no need for a 
license. And everyone is free to use it in its actual online version, so why 
do you bother ?

Greets, Myriam

FSF Europe fellow #304
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