Hardware Notification Daemon?

Scott Robinson scott_ubuntu at scott.tranzoa.net
Thu Nov 2 06:21:13 GMT 2006

Currently, when a piece of hardware is inserted it may or may not be
handled by some piece of software. If it isn't handled, the user is left
uncertain if it is because of some issue in the plug-in process, or if
the hardware simply is not supported by the operating system as of yet.

I would like to propose a hardware notification daemon that simply pops
a notification when a piece of hardware is inserted and successfully

Obviously, later this application could be expanded to provide support
services or further information. However, I'd like to start small. I
think this base functionality would be helpful.

Before putting up an official spec, I'd like to ask for input from other
people on the sounder list. What does everyone think of this?

(I have a preliminary implementation available at
Scott Robinson <scott at quadhome.com>
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