Do you want brown or blue?

Chanchao custom at
Wed May 31 03:56:56 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 03:03 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> > "I made it a point to request that Ubuntu get rid of the default shit
> > brown theme. 

Well now.  Here's a person who uses KDE (so he would get the Kubuntu
default, most likely) and then complains about color of Ubuntu?  

(Mark should have whipped out his clue-bat and reminded the interviewer
that his computer/screen likely support millions of colors; Pick
some. :)

> He mentioned that other people have requested the same
> > and that in future releases Ubuntu will ask you if you would like a
> > different theme during the install process."
> >  (
> Mark requesting that such a question be *added* to the install process...?!

Well now. (2) :)  A theme is quite obviously a user preference and not
something system-wide that would be asked or configured during an
installation.  It could be asked on first login of course.  (Then again,
why bother.. Just providing some more nice looking themes would be quite

Finally, as a personal answer to the question in the subject line:
BROWN!!!  (I changed my mind on this after using Ubuntu for a while). 

And as for the default theme choice (so "political" choice, not personal
preference) I would STILL say brown.  In a world of 10,000 glassy-blue
generic desktops on 10,000 different distributions, looking 'different'
is far more important than conforming to the current looks-hype-du-jour
and following the herd of crystal blue glass.

A while ago I frivolously pondered that Ubuntu would taste like
chocolate, Kubuntu/Mandriva/all-the-others would taste like Listerine,
or Windex.

Chocolate or Windex?   Easy choice!  

To celebrate tomorrow's release, where do I ship a container full of
( ) ? :) 


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