making Ubuntu easy

Peter Whittaker pwwnow at
Thu May 25 12:12:05 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-24-05 at 09:42 +0700, Chanchao wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 21:36 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
> > and so on, and so on. I would have thought that with the amount
> > of excitement this sort of stuff generates, a well guided community can
> > easily accomplish this for most common tasks by Edgy.
> You know what, I always got the distinct feeling that Edgy was to be
> about adding bling and innovative stuff. However..., I think some very 
> down to earth configuration screens & wizards should be highest on the 
> list of things to do.

Hear hear! Agreed wholeheartedly! Dapper provides a very solid base,
very solid. Almost there....

Now if everything "just worked" the way we (users in general) expected,
it might be time to send our little lizard out to explore the edge.

I appreciate what sabdfl is trying to do with EE: Reward the developers
for months of hard work making Ubuntu solid and reliable. They haven't
been designing a lot of new things, they've been refactoring,
maintaining, fixing, and correcting. As an ex-developer and
ex-development-manager I know how necessary and how tedious this can be.

So the EE vision (explore, do cool things) is understandable. Yet I
cannot help but think it is one release too early. Of course, there
could easily be Ubuntu developers out there who think that refactoring,
maintaining, fixing, and correcting are way cool, and that's exactly
what they plan on exploring.

"How do I make Ubuntu useful and usable for my grandparents, my
hard-of-hearing uncle, my hard-of-seeing aunt, my movement-challenged
nephew, and my drama-queen-just-wants-to-download-and-listen-to-tunes

(Not to mention my cheap self, who refuses to buy a new laptop, and so
just expects Ubuntu power management to work as well on 1999-vintage
BIOS as Windows did, but is still sufficiently FLOSS-motivated to refuse
to reboot W, despite the problems under U. Yes, bugs have been filed.)

Let's hope there are plenty of talented designers with strong coding
buddies who are interested in answering that question....


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