Jan Claeys lists at
Wed May 24 17:32:23 BST 2006

Op wo, 24-05-2006 te 10:14 +0100, schreef Scott James Remnant:
> On Wed, 2006-05-24 at 17:10 +0800, John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> > On 5/24/06, Scott James Remnant <scott at> wrote:
> > > If DMA is not enabled by default on your machine (how did you find out
> > > whether it was or wasn't, btw?)
> > 
> > The normal way to find out that DMA is not enabled is to try playing a
> > DVD and finding that "it is jerky". The other way is to try burning a
> > DVD and discover that you keep getting buffer underruns.

> Personally I prefer just running "hdparm -d", it's so much easier. 

What John meant is how normal users find out DMA is not enabled.  It's
also the trigger for support people to ask users to run "hdparm -d".

If the only way to find out whether DMA is on or off would have been
running "hdparm -d", nobody would be complaining.  But it's causing
*real* problems.

BTW: I guess most people prefer burning a coaster every now and then
because of a buggy driver or hardware, over burning a coaster every
time.  ;-)

Jan Claeys

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