More Sun news: Sun promises to open-source Java

Graham Martin gcmartin at
Sat May 20 22:49:13 BST 2006

> Lee Revell wrote
> On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 23:10 -0500, Scott Dier wrote:
> > Alexander Jacob Tsykin wrote:
> > > The problem with this is that:
> > > a) (in my opinion) the ipod is by far the best
> > 
> > I chose an iaudio u2 over an ipod mini, size, price, and features seemed 
> > better. (fm radio, for instance, too)
> > 
> > > b) many people already have ipods. Would you have them spend money on another 
> > > player?
> > 
> > No, but they can easily choose the player they want.  It turns out that 
> > in some areas of the world distributing MP3 encoders is far less legal 
> > than distributing ogg vorbis encoders.  The companies that own mp3 
> > patents have been amazingly restrained in locking down the mp3 format so 
> > that players do not implement alternative formats.  However, it doesn't 
> > make having LAME on your computer in some parts of the world legal.
> Um, in the real world, people who make music and want the 40 million
> people with ipods to be able to listen to it HAVE to use mp3.
> Lee
Quoted. Brendon Toogood.
like you i have a ipod,  and was wanting good software as well doing a
bit of reasurch, i came up rockbox,  it replaces the firmware on the
ipod to its own as default, and talk about easy to use to copy ur music
across well it 's child's play u just connect it up like u would usually
and copy your music across to it just like you would to another
harddrive and that is it, simple done  works on any computer no software
needed(only the os and a usb port) you can play .mp3 .acc .wav .ogg and
many others as well and rockbox has a linux kernal and is basically
linux code.
  Brendon Toogood
  registered Linux user number 417189
I hope Brendon doesn't mind me quoting him.
Has anyone tried rockbox, it looks interesting.
Regards Graham.

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