Synaptic : will it still there in Edgy ??

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Wed May 17 22:09:18 BST 2006

When SABDFL announced Edgy:

He mentioned the "SMART" package management program.

I googled for it and found the project home page:

... where it says that SABDFL basically is paying for the development of
this program, and has been so for quite some time already, 9 months or

So does this mean that we can take for certain that in Edgy, Synaptic
will be ditched in favour of SMART ?

The thing is, I was about today to file a wish-list(ish) bug report
against Synaptic, but then remembered SMART.
So if Synaptic won't be in Edgy, I would rather avoid adding yet anohter
bug report to that poor Malone.

Does anyone know for sure ?


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