online article: "Sun flirts with Ubuntu"

Chanchao custom at
Wed May 17 10:12:56 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 07:52 +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

> Their entry level workstation is under $900  !!

Whoa that's an ugly Mother right there...   That must be the most
hideous and unfriendly and un-human looking computer case since the
Amiga 2000, and I'm being kind. :)

Still seems pretty high end with the 64 bit and all.

> Add VAT, say 20%, that makes $1080. But it comes with pre-installed
> software and support/services, so if SABDFL makes a special deal with
> Sun to pre-install Ubuntu and redesign the s/w & services package, maybe
> they can offer it for $999.95 ! :-)

Hahahahaha... Somehow Ubuntu needs to go flirty-footsie with a company
that can make quality desktop PC's in the Mac Mini / iMac range, and
having the sales/delivery channels.   At least Sun also make thin
clients so the Edubuntu people should be fairly happy campers. And for
Servers, Sun is not a bad company to bed, too, obviously. :)

> The only thing that could really keep me off, is the noise level. I
> don't know if Sun dial acoustic comfort in when they draft the specs of
> their workstations... Maybe they do. After all, say the machine is used
> by a developer, alone in a quiet office. If the machine is whisper
> quiet, he can concentrate better, be less stressed, hence be more
> productive...

Sounds good: 

"One final note before we get to the software-this workstation is
silent. I mean, silent. There's a fan, but you just can't hear it. That
will make it easier to add the Ultra 20 to the panoply of workstations
already in my office."  ( )


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