Interesting article about "What Linux is doing wrong on the desktop"

Lukas Sabota punkrockguy318 at
Fri May 5 18:56:19 BST 2006

> I don't think it's stability that forces Linux users to upgrade, but
> bloat on the desktop, which is undeniably a problem.  Linux used to be
> the OS you could run on hardware that was too old to run Windows, and
> this is still true for servers, but I think for desktop use XP
> outperforms us on underpowered machines (I would draw the line around
> 1GHz).
> Lee

Xubuntu really gives Windows a run for her money on older machines. I'm
running it on a p2 in the basement, and it's much smoother than Ubuntu
and W98.

God bless,

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