mailing list etiquette, again [was Marketing (was Re: Ubuntu's success)]

Lee Revell rlrevell at
Fri May 5 18:12:17 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 10:37 +1000, Cefiar wrote:
> it always irks me that you cannot tell Mailman to filter out HTML
> posts, or alternatively, strip all the HTML content, even if perhaps
> on a per-user basis (eg: each user could have a flag NOT to receive
> HTML mail). This would then make the HTML mail point null and void.

I'm not sure if the problem is on the sender side or with the client's
rendering, but IMHO the only really irritating aspect of HTML mail is
that the text extends all the way across the window rather than wrapping
at a reasonable width like 80 columns.  Numerous usability studies have
found that having to scan all the way across the page increases eye
strain.  Newspapers have known this for at least 100 years - a long
article is separated into columns rather than being one huge block of


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