Interesting article about "What Linux is doing wrong on the
Anders Karlsson
trudheim at
Wed May 3 12:31:30 BST 2006
On Wed, 2006-05-03 at 11:55 +0700, Chanchao wrote:
> On พ., 2006-05-03 at 05:00 +0100, Anders Karlsson wrote:
> > When someone is five years old, they don't choose an OS, they use what
> > is put in front of them. My daughter, which I have not had influence
> > over, is using Windows as that is what was put in front of her by her
> > mother. My son, when the time comes, will learn Unix and Linux.
> I must object on this abhorrent case of gender inequality. It represents
> yet another example of the way society subconsciously widens the gender
> knowledge/opportunity divide. :) You owe your daughter Ubuntu!!! :D
Hehe.. If I saw her more than a few hours every two or three months, I
would teach her Ubuntu.
> > As he isn't even two, his interest in computers is limited to bashing the
> > living daylights out of the keyboard at the moment.
> Ha! My daughter managed that already aged 5 months. And on Ubuntu she
> did, too! :) At this rate, when she hits 2 I expect her to be
> compiling her first kernel.
I'll have my little boy writing perfectly unreadable Perl by the time
he's five. ;)
> I try to attach a picture. Here she's browsing the wiki. :)
Cute! :)
Anders Karlsson <trudheim at>
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