Opinion on Vista and Dapper delays

Shawn McMahon smcmahon at eiv.com
Fri Mar 31 15:57:04 BST 2006

On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 10:03:30AM +0700, Chanchao said:
> Also the built-in modem? :)  (Then again I guess when there's real money
> coming in for the laptop itself then part of that can pay for the
> Linuxant drivers)

I believe Uniwill has options on that anyway; if not, it's probably
removable.  (Don't have either of my Averatecs with me at the moment.)

I'm not saying it would be as simple as "SABDFL phones up and orders
10,000 from the warehouse, plug it into the installation LAN, boot it
PXE and kickstart does the install, slap a brown sticker on it and shove
it in a box".  But it's something that the only thing seperating us from
it happening is money and time, and both of those can be shaken out of
the tree if somebody has a vision on how to make it profitable.  (Or
break even, if it tickles Mark's fancy enough.)

Judging by what they've done for other companies, they'll apparantly do
custom bulk configurations.  So, if we wanted a brown case for instance,
they'd do that.  If we wanted a better modem built in, they'd do that.
The wifi and video are easy to switch, and they've done the latter for
some of their customers.  The only question is can Canonical sell enough
of them for it to be worth the bother, and for a price that Dell can't

   Shawn McMahon    | Ubuntu: an ancient African word meaning "I am sick
   EIV Consulting   | of compiling Gentoo".
 http://www.eiv.com |                       - Jeff Waugh (paraphrased)
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