MEPIS Founder Plans Transition To Ubuntu

Randy Gloden sounder at
Mon Mar 27 04:29:33 BST 2006

Lukas Sabota wrote:

>If their going to use the ubuntu base, why don't they contribute
>directly to Ubuntu?  How do their goals differ?  Both Ubuntu and MEPIS
>are GNOME desktop distributions, what does MEPIS want to do differently
>than Ubuntu?
Well . . . .to quote Wikipedia

    * MEPIS includes some proprietary (non-free
      <>) software not distributed
      by Debian due to their restrictive licenses, including: Sun
      Microsystems <> JRE,
      Macromedia Flash <>,
      RealPlayer <> and Adobe
      Reader <>.
    * Some software in MEPIS does not respect the Debian Free Software

They try to make everything work out of the box, including those things 
that have political/philosophical dynamite attached.  Ubuntu has some of 
the same goals, but not at this cost. 

        Mepis = Ubuntu + EasyUbuntu + Configuration per Wiki + 
additional tweaks - stability - canonical level of support

I personally and exicited by this move of Mepis to the Ubuntu base and 
hope it will go forward from Ubuntu as far as Ubuntu has from Debian.


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