Will install CD and Live CD be merged in the future?

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Tue Mar 21 13:50:08 GMT 2006

On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 00:24:37 +1100
Jeff Waugh <jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> None of that reduces the role that Linux plays in Ubuntu. However - in the
> eyes of the entire world, what should we want our users to think about when
> they think of Ubuntu? Linux is *way* down my list. :-)

I see that point. Nevertheless,  Ubuntu is a shining example of what
can be achieved using what most people refer to as "Linux". Given that
you already made the point in a previous post that many would associate
"Linux" with security, reliability etc etc ( as well as "hard to use",
sure... ), it still seems like a positive "selling point" for Ubuntu .

Peter Garrett

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