Will install CD and Live CD be merged in the future?

Alan McKinnon alan at linuxholdings.co.za
Tue Mar 21 12:36:45 GMT 2006

On Tuesday 21 March 2006 12:17, Chanchao wrote:


> That said, the main issue with 'Linux for human beings' seems to be
> that it implies that all other distributions are not for humans,
> for geeks & nerds presumably.   That's not very nice towards other
> distro's, especially when you're new AND suddenly the biggest and
> most dominant desktop distribution.  In that position you don't
> need to put down others, especially when you're ultimately all on
> the same team.
> So that's one very good reason to get rid of the 'linux for human
> beings' slogan.

Some thoughts/slogans:

Real computers for real people
Ubuntu: Friendly computing
The community IS the computer     [run this by Sun first :-)]
Ubuntu: Do what YOU want


> Also it seems that when any step takes a bit longer (slower
> computer, etc.) then it flips to the text screen and then it gets
> really dirty, when you see things like 'abnormal termination' or
> other warning messages that look threatening but are actually
> pretty harmless as the whole thing boots up regardless.

Send kernel output to tty3 with a message at the bottom of the screen 
"Press F3 for boot messages"

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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