Xara Xtreme GPL'ed

Jorge Bernal koke at amedias.org
Mon Mar 20 23:57:41 GMT 2006

On Monday 20 March 2006 23:33, Øivind Hoel wrote:
> The gimp isn't really inferior to photoshop - what puts most people
> off (including me) is probably it's quirky interface. I really get
> distracted by having the desktop show through instead of the MDI
> interface of photoshop where I feel like I'm actually "inside" the
> program. Also, an artist with a long experience with photoshop will
> have big issues adapting to the different naming conventions and
> generally the different ways of doing things. Some aspects of life are
> easier with the gimp, some are not.

First, I guess you are talking about Windows Photoshop, because on the Mac 
one, there's no MDI interface: it's more like the gimp. But the window 
management is much more confortable.

Also it's not only about the interface. I've been using GIMP for some time and 
I decided to go the other way and tried Photoshop for about two weeks. Layer 
management is way better (group layers, adjustment layers, layer 
effects,...), try to manage more than 10 layers with shadows and stuff like 
that and you'll see.

Also, I tried Krita (http://www.koffice.org/krita/), and it seems it has a lot 
of GIMP's missing features like group layers and CMYK support, but it's 
interface needs tons of love. Anyway, stay tuned, it looks like a hard 
competitor for GIMP :)

> Gimp and text is a big annoyance to most people I've seen try to switch.

Jorge Bernal Ordovás <jbernal at warp.es>
Warp Networks S.L.
http://warp.es/ || http://amedias.org/

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