Ubuntu and Automatix

Venkat Raghavan venkatraghavan at gmail.com
Fri Mar 17 07:50:10 GMT 2006

> On Fri, 17 Mar 2006, Andreas Lloyd wrote:
> > an article about Automatix for Ubuntu Breezy was linked on Slashdot
> > today:
> >
> > http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/03/12/209257&from=rss
> We should really make this stop...
> Every time it's mentioned, lots of people try it, and we (local support
> mailinglists, IRC) get to clean up the fallout (broken systems, people who
> are suddenly annoyed with all of Ubuntu because 'it came from an official
> site, didn't it?').
> The forums should really be moderated by 'official' people (like the
> mailing lists are), so broken software like this doesn't get as popular.
> And using the launchpad login system would rock too, but I can see why
> that's Hard.
> Oh, and the forums would probably do well to add links to Launchpad for bug
> tracking, because forum posts just don't really work well (as almost no
> developers read the forums)
> > and discussed here:
> >
> > http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/06/03/16/1954251.shtml
> >
> > No mention of EasyUbuntu, it seems...
> Why don't you just work with the DocTeam to make the docs IN ubuntu better,
> so EasyUbuntu isn't necessary?
All the stuff installed by Automatix/EasyUbuntu/your favourite script is 
either documented on the wiki or easily installable from Universe or 
That said, documentation is pretty much useless if people are not prepared to 
read them. The documentation in dapper is much better than in breezy. Somehow  
i get the feeling that these scripts are going away anytime soon., though I 
wish they would and people would read documentation. 

Disclaimer: I work on both the docteam and EasyUbuntu

Venkat 'robotgeek' Raghavan
Email: venkatvc (at) ubuntu.com | venkatraghavan (at) gmail (dot) com
GPG Key: 0xE9E707A9
Homepage: http://robotgeek.org
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