XGL your experiances..

Senectus . senectus at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 01:40:12 GMT 2006

I've been listening to a lot of podcast interviews and reading
articles on the whole "XGL/Compiz" thing, and one thing that I'm
hearing over and over again is that most the features in XGL are meant
to be just "demo's" or "proof of concept" features and will probably
not be made available for main line usage because the developers all
think they're "too annoying" to be used often of all the time.

I have to say I don't see it that way at all, I'm finding the wobble
feature as something that adds a very "organic" feel to the desktop.
It's something that is quite refreshing for me to see and use at work
every day since I first installed it.

The scaling feature is just utterly brilliant and massively useful to
me, as is the "opacity" plug these two features do actually increase
my productivity.

The "grey out" of stalled apps is a neat feature, but not entirely
accurate, and what I'd much rather have is the ability to slightly
darken or shade out all other apps but the one I have open and am
focus on right now. This would be VERY handy for my role where I'm
often flicking between many screens and getting up and out of my seat

The cube trick is neat also but I've yet to find a use for it, If I
could setup my CEO with linux it would massively useful to him for
presentation purposes.

Does anyone else find these new features useful or are they just toy's
for you and after looking you've switched them off?

Ubuntu Breezy 5.10
The less you know, the more you believe. - Bono

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