"Ctrl-Alt-Del to login" really important for security?

Tristan Wibberley maihem at maihem.org
Tue Mar 7 19:31:45 GMT 2006

Michael Shigorin wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 05, 2006 at 12:23:49AM +0000, Tristan Wibberley wrote:

>> If you never make progress to avoid having a period where the
>> computer is still not perfect, you never secure your perimeter.
> Well let's conclude it's a matter of taste.  I just wanted to
> tell that it's non-security, such a disbalanced state.  Some
> might even feel obliged to play different jokes to the person 
> who would behave this way, be it keylogger for a supasekur system 
> or pulling the hut doors down because nothing supports them.

But when you can finally afford the fences - you've got the complete set.

With software security, there are actually occasions where the doors 
alone will improve security - so for a general purpose OS that can be 
turned to anything, it is important to provide these things.

Otherwise the OS would be left useless for many uses until an 
alternative branch of development has reached such a level of security 
that it is thought to be perfect... How does anybody benefit from that - 
especially when the alternative branch is unlikely to ever reach 
security perfection, both due to that being impossible and due to the 
lack of testing.

>> I would quite like to see bluetooth integration for bluetooth
>> keyboards, then maybe even a future phone will appear as a
>> bluetooth keyboard and you could take your own keyboard
>> everywhere just for passwords.  Ubiquitous computing here we
>> come! :)
> Bluetooth is particularly known for insecurity by design, JFYI...

I didn't know that, I will have to look into it.

Tristan Wibberley

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